Peace On You!

This is your connection to the higher power of Bob. Through the First Fried Church, RevBob will empower you with the desire to send him money.

Name: RevBob

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Won't You Spend More Than You Should?

Perhaps there are those out there who do not realize that Bob hath provided a place on Earth where those who art needy of sending me money can purchase products which hath been blessed by Bob hisself. I will be happy to accept any amount on behalf of Bob Almighty such that I can receive the money myself and direct it toward the greater good of that which is and perhaps will be for some time further...Bob.

Mayst I direct you to my online store of cheap goods passed on to you at even cheaper than thou wouldst knowest prices?

Check out my T-shirts, bumper stickers, and coffee mugs here....
RevBob's CafePress Store


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